Names of Nymphs

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Names of Nymphs according to Greek Mythology
The names, roles and Names of Nymphs from the myths and legends in ancient Greek Mythology

Names of Nymphs
Discover fascinating information about the beautiful, supernatural, young maidens referred to as nymphs, minor goddesses of nature, who featured in ancient Greek mythology, stories and legend. This article provides a list of Names of Nymphs in ancient Greek mythology. The Names of Nymphs that featured in ancient Greek legends inhabited forests, woods, trees, meadows, water, fountains, streams, rivers and the sea.

Names of Nymphs
This article provides a chart containing information with the Names of Nymphs and their description. Additional interesting facts and information about ancient Greek mythology and individual goddesses can be accessed via the following links:

Gods and Deities


Ancient Greek Gods and Goddesses




Picture of beautiful Nymphs

Names of Nymphs
There were many different types of these supernatural creatures and these are all detailed in the chart containing each of the Names of Nymphs. These were groups of young, minor goddesses who were associated with various elements in nature, such as Sea Nymphs, celestial nymphs and those associated with individual gods and goddesses:

  • The Naiades were the Names of the Nymphs of the fresh water, rivers and streams
  • The Nereids were the Names of the Nymphs of the sea and the oceans
  • The Oceanides were the names of the 3000 daughters of Oceanus and Tethys and nymphs of the water ways and clouds
    • The Hydriades were the names of Oceanide water nymphs who protected various springs
    • The Ephydriades were the names of the Oceanide Nymphs of the fountains
    • The Nephelae were the names of the Oceanide Nymphs of clouds and rain
    • The Aurae were the Oceanide Nymphs of breezes
  • The Sirens were names of thesea nymphs who could lure men to their deaths who heard their singing
  • The Mermaids were sea nymphs with the head and torso of a human female and a fish-like tail. The Tritons were a race of sea gods and goddesses born from Triton, the son of Poseidon and Amphitrite. Their lower half was that of a fish, while the top half a human - they are commonly known as Mermaids and mermen
  • The Oreads were the Names of the Nymphs of mountains and grottoes
  • The Dryads were the names of the Forest, Wood and Nymphs of groves
  • The Hamadryads were the names of the Tree Nymphs who were born bonded to a particular treeThe Pleiades were the 7 nymphs who were the celestial nymphs of the stars. The Hyades were 7 half-sisters of the

Hylas and the Nymphs

Picture of Hylas and the river nymphs

Chart containing individual Names of Nymphs
The following chart contains the names of nymphs, the minor goddesses who featured in the legends from ancient Greek mythology.

Names of Nymphs from Mythology and Legends

NamesDescription from Mythology
AegleAegle was the name of one of the Hesperides
AglaiaAglaia was one of the Graces (splendor and beauty)
AlcyoneAlcyone was a nymph, one of the 'Pleiades', the seven sisters.
AmphitriteAmphitrite was the wife of Poseidon and generally represented as a beautiful nude nymph, crowned with seaweed, and reclining in a pearl-shell chariot drawn by dolphins, or sea-horses
ArethusaThe nymph called Arethusa once served Artemis but was turned into a fountain
AtroposAtropos was the name of one of the Fates
CalliopeCalliope muse of epic poetry
CalypsoCalypso was the name of a Nymph who detained Ulysses on Ogygia seven years
CelaenoCelaeno was a nymph, a Pleiad, one of the 'the seven sisters.
ClioClio the muse of History
ClothoClotho was the name of one of the Fates
ClymeneClymene was one of the ocean nymphs, or Oceanides, the daughters of Oceanus. Clymene married the ancient god Iapetus and together they had of four giant sons: Atlas, Menetius, Prometheus (Forethought), and Epimetheus (Afterthought)
ChrsothemisChrsothemis was the a daughter of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra
Daphne Daphne was the name of a beautiful forest nymph by the name of Daphne, the daughter of the river god Peneus. She was loved by Apollo and was turned into a laurel tree to escape his advances. Daphnaeae was the name given to the hamadryads of the Laurel tree.
DioneDione was an Oceanide sea nymph, a descendent of the Titans, and a lover of Zeus, they had a daughter, Aphrodite the goddess of love.
DryopeDryope, was a beautiful young princess who was turned into a hamadryad
EchoEcho was the name of a mountain nymph (an Oread) who loved her own voice.
ElectraElectra was a nymph, a Pleiad, one of the 'the seven sisters.
EratoErato the muse of Love poetry
ErytheisErytheis was the name of one of the Hesperides
EuphrosyneEuphrosyne was one of the Graces (festivity and mirth)
EuterpeEuterpe the muse of Song
GalateaGalatea was a beautiful sea nymph who is often depicted riding in her pearl-shell chariot drawn by bounding dolphins
HesperaHespera was one of the Hesperides
LachesisLachesis was the name of one of the Fates
LotisLotis was a nymph, who, to escape the pursuit of Priapus, god of the shade, had assumed the guise of a flower
NamesDescription from Mythology

Names of Nymphs from Mythology and Legends

Names of Nymphs
The following chart contains the names of Names of the Nymphs who featured in the legends from classical ancient Greek mythology and legends.

Names of Nymphs from Mythology and Legends

NamesDescription from Mythology
MelpomeneMelpomene the muse of Tragedy
MeropeMerope was a nymph, a Pleiad, one of the 'the seven sisters.
PenelopePenelope was the name of a beautiful young nymph and the lover of Hermes. She was horrified when she saw her son who was the Satyr, Pan
PolyhymniaPolyhymnia the muse of Hymns
ProcrisProcris was one of the Names of the Nymphs who served Artemis. Procris fell in love with and married Cephalus, a hunter
MaiaMaia was a nymph, a Pleiad, one of the seven  daughters of Atlas and Pleione. Maia was a lover of Zeus and bore him a son, Hermes.
ScyllaScylla was the name of a favorite water nymph
SteropeSterope was a nymph, a Pleiad, one of the 'the seven sisters.
TaygeteTaygete was a nymph, a Pleiad, one of the 'the seven sisters.
TerpsichoreTerpsichore the muse of Dance
ThaliaThalia the muse of Comedy
ThetisThetis was the name of a minor sea-goddess and the mother of Achilles
UraniaUrania the muse of astronomy
NamesDescription from Mythology

Names of Nymphs from Mythology and Legends


ClytieNymphsDryadWater Nymphs
Clytie, water nymphGolden StaircaseDryad - Wood NymphSea Nymphs

Names of Nymphs
We hope that you have enjoyed discovering interesting information and facts about the Names of the Nymphs who featured in the legends and mythology of the Ancient World. Fascinating, fun information to increase your knowledge about their roles in Greek Mythology and Legend.

Names of Nymphs

  • Names of Nymphs
  • Roles & Names of nymphs
  • The Names of Nymphs in Greek mythology and legends
  • Educational resource for schools, kids and children providing the names of nymphs
  • Names of Minor Greek Goddesses
  • acts and information about Names of the Nymphs for schools and kids
  • Names of Nymphs

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