History and Mythical Facts about Proserpina Fact 1 about Proserpina: She was the daughter of Jupiter and Ceres and the wife of Pluto Fact 2 about Proserpina: Her name derives from the Latin word "proserpere" meaning "to emerge," Fact 3 about Proserpina: Her symbol of the pomegranate was also known as the "fruit of the dead" and anyone who ate the food of the dead had to stay in the underworld. Fact 4 about Proserpina: A variety of pomegranate is called Proserpina Fact 5 about Proserpina: She is represented in art as a beautiful woman, enthroned, with a sad, stern and melancholy appearance. Fact 6 about Proserpina: Her role in the Underworld was to prepare the spirits of worthy women to enter Elysium, strewing flowers along the path she would travel Fact 7 about Proserpina: She was the emblem of the seed corn, which lies in the earth during the winter, but sprouts in the spring, and in summer bears fruit. Fact 8 about Proserpina: One of the most ancient and important among the festivals observed by the ancients was that of the Eleusinian Mysteries, which was celebrated in honour of Ceres and her daughter, Proserpine. Fact 9 about Proserpina: She is often depicted as a young goddess holding sheaves of grain and a flaming torch. Pluto abducting Proserpina Proserpina (Greek Counterpart was Persephone) The Romans habitually assimilated various elements from other cultures and civilisations, including the gods and goddesses that were worshipped by the Greeks and other nations. When the Roman Empire conquered the Greeks in 146BC many of the Greek gods and goddesses were adopted by the Romans. The Romans simply changed the Greek gods names to Latin equivalents. The Greek counterpart of Proserpina (or Proserpine) was Persephone. The Roman religion significantly differed from the Greeks in that it was officially endorsed by the state and exerted influence over the government of Rome. Politicians took the offices of influential priests, called pontiffs, to gain control of the popular worship, Roman gods and goddesses were worshipped at every public event, including the gladiatorial games, where blood sacrifices were made to the gods. Proserpina and the Roman Gods Family Tree and Genealogy The Roman gods family tree provides an instant overview of the genealogy and the family connections and relationships between the main deities, including Proserpina, who feature in the legends and mythology of the ancient Romans. The Primeval gods and deities, the Titans and the Roman Olympians. |