Symbols of the Greek Gods

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Ancient Greek Mythology for Kids - The Symbols of the Greek Gods
Discover the Attributes and Symbols of the Greek Gods and Goddesses according to Greek Mythology and legends
Symbols of the Greek Gods
What were the Symbols of the Greek Gods? The gods and goddesses of ancient Greece were supernatural beings who possessed great magical & mystical powers. Each ancient Greek god and goddess were associated with special symbols, animals and attributes. The Symbols of the Greek Gods were depicted in the pictures, mosaics, statues and images of the gods and made them instantly recognisable.

Symbols of the Greek Gods
Many of the myths and legends in Ancient Greek Mythology tell the stories of their symbols and attributes. Additional intriguing facts and information about the mythology and legends of individual gods and goddesses of these ancient civilizations can be accessed via the following links:

Gods and Deities

Greek Gods Mythology

Ancient Greek Gods and Goddesses



The Symbols of the Greek Gods
The attributes and Symbols of the Greek Gods were specific to each of the gods however, the theme of the symbols covered the symbolism of:

  • Animals
  • Birds
  • Plants and Flowers
  • Magical weapons
  • A variety of objects from everyday life

The Chart for the Symbols of the Greek gods and goddesses describe the attributes, symbols that were associated with them.

Life of the gods

Symbols of the Greek Gods Greek Gods - Mount Olympus

Symbols of the Greek Gods Chart
The symbols of the Greek Gods are detailed on the chart, the reasons why each of the symbols is associated with the gods and goddesses are detailed via the links:

Symbols of the Greek Gods

Zeus the king of the gods is associated with these attributes:
  • Thunderbolt
  • Sceptre
  • Eagle
  • Bull
  • Oak Tree
  • The Aegis, a shield
Poseidon the god of the sea, tempests, storms and earthquakes is associated with these attributes:
  • The Trident
  • The Horse
  • The Dolphin
  • The Bull
Hera, the queen of the gods, is associated with these attributes:
  • Crown
  • Peacock
  • Cuckoo
  • Lion
  • Cow
  • Pomegranate
Ares the god of battle and war is associated with these attributes:
  • A sacred shield
  • Spear
  • Burning Torch
  • Vulture
  • Dog
  • Woodpecker, eagle and owl
Apollo the god of the sun is associated with these attributes:
  • Bow and Arrows
  • Lyre
  • Raven
  • Wolf
  • Laurel Tree
Artemis the Greek goddess of the hunt is associated with these attributes:
  • Bow and Arrow
  • Deer
  • Hounds
  • Bears
  • Snakes
  • The moon
  • Cypress tree
Hephaestus the god of fire and the forge is associated with these attributes:
  • Fire
  • Hammer
  • Axe
  • Tongs
  • Donkey
  • Quail
Demeter, the goddess of fertility, agriculture, nature and the seasons is associated with these attributes:
  • Grain Sheaf
  • Winged Serpent
  • Lotus Staff
  • Torch
  • Cornucopia (Horn of Plenty)

Chart of Symbols of the Greek Gods

Apollo riding his golden chariot

Symbols of the Greek Gods - Picture of Apollo riding his golden chariot


Symbols of the Greek Gods

Hermes the messenger of the gods is associated with these attributes:
  • Winged sandals and helmet
  • Caduceus (a staff entwined by snakes)
  • Tortoise
  • Stork
Dionysus the god of wine is associated with these attributes:
  • The thyrsos (a pine-cone tipped staff)
  • Leopard, panther, tiger
  • Goat
  • Grapes and goblets
  • Ivy
Aphrodite the goddess of love is associated with these attributes:
  • Dolphin
  • Rose
  • Scallop Shell
  • Mirror and Girdle
  • Dove, Sparrow, and Swan
Athena the goddess of wisdom and strategic warfare is associated with these attributes:
  • Helmet and Spear
  • The Aegis
  • The Owl
  • The Serpent
  • The Chariot
Hades, the 'Prince of Darkness' and god of the Underworld is associated with these attributes:
  • Cerberus
  • Cap of invisibility
  • Cypress
  • Key of Hades

Symbols of the Greek Gods

Worshipping the gods

Worshipping the deities of Ancient Greece

Symbols of the Greek Gods

  • What are the Symbols and Symbolism of the ancient deities
  • Interesting information and Facts about Symbols and Symbolism
  • Symbols and Symbolism of the ancient deities
  • Legends in Mythology associated with ancient deities
  • Facts and information about the Ancient World for schools and kids
  • Symbols & Symbolism of the deities

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