Powers of the Greek Gods

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Ancient Greek Mythology for Kids - The Powers of the Greek Gods
Discover the supernatural powers of the Greek Gods according to Greek Mythology and legends

Powers of the Greek Gods
What were the powers of the Greek Gods? The gods and goddesses of ancient Greece were supernatural beings who possessed great magical & mystical powers. The powers of the Greek Gods and goddesses included fantastic weapons, such as the thunderbolts used by Zeus, and the ability to make themselves invisible or to transform themselves, and to transform mortals into animals or even rocks and trees.

Powers of the Greek Gods
The gods had the powers to control the weather and were able to create storms, earthquakes and tempests. Additional intriguing facts and information about the mythology and legends of individual gods and goddesses of these ancient civilizations can be accessed via the following links:

Gods and Deities

Greek Gods Mythology

Ancient Greek Gods and Goddesses



The Powers of the Greek Gods
Powers of the Greek Gods were limitless to the 'mere mortals' who worshipped them. Many of the gods and goddesses had special powers specific to their realms and domains but there were also many powers of the Greek gods that were common to all of them:

  • Immortality - they did not die
  • Transformation or shape shifting
  • Enhanced intelligence
  • The ability and powers to move from one place to another in an instant - our equivalent would be Teleportation
  • Powers to manipulate animals to obey their commands
  • Powers to manipulate the weather
  • Powers to become invisible
  • Powers to create fantastic beings and weapons with supernatural powers
  • Their blood was a bright unearthly fluid called Ichor that had the power of producing new life

Life of the gods

Powers of the Greek Gods - Mount Olympus

The Powers of the Greek Gods
Some of the supernatural and magical powers of the Greek Gods were specific to the realms and domains of individual gods and goddesses. Some of the specific powers of the gods are detailed on the chart.

Powers of the Greek Gods
Zeus had the power to hurl his thunderbolts which could shatter mountains. He used his power of transformation to seduce mortal women. He seduced Leda in the guise of a swan, Europa in the guise of a bull and Antiope as a satyr.

Poseidon the god of the sea had power over his domain including the sea, tempests, storms and earthquakes. He was commonly called the 'Earth-Shaker'. His symbol of the trident represented his ability to control water.

Hera, the queen of the gods, turned King Haemus and Queen Rhodope into mountains. In another myth she placed a spell over a nymph called Echo who was cursed with repeating the words of others.

The armor and weapons of Ares represented his role as the god of battle and war. He rode a chariot drawn by four gold-bridled fire-breathing stallions. He led the other gods in a War against the Gigantes who were a race of serpent-footed giants 

Apollo had the power to bring the sun and well-being to humans, hence his association with healing. He rode his golden chariot pulling the sun across the sky

Artemis as the Greek goddess of the hunt had special powers over animals. Although she could heal mortals she could also bring terrible diseases. Her symbol was the moon and every evening she mounted her moon chariot, and drove her pure white horses across the heavens

Hephaestus created the weapons, palaces and the thrones of the Greek gods on Mount Olympus. He was assisted in his forge by the Cyclopes and had the powers to make amazing mechanical robots, such as the giant Talos.

Demeter, the goddess of fertility was also the goddess of agriculture, nature and the seasons, over which she had great powers. A pair of winged-serpents (dragons) drew her chariot.

The symbol of Hermes were his winged sandals and helmet representing his speed and ability to fly. Hermes is often depicted holding a caduceus which was a magical staff with snakes curling around it which he used to charm the gods and heal mortals

The symbols of Dionysus were exotic beasts such as lions and tigers which pulled his chariot. His thyrsos was a magic staff, or wand, that could turn a rock into water and the water into wine

Aphrodite possessed a magic girdle, called a Cestus, that had the power of inspiring love. Swans were said to tow her sailing boat

Athena the goddess of wisdom and strategic warfare had magical weapons and a shield called an aegis that depicted the head of Medusa, representing its great protective power.

Hades, the 'Prince of Darkness', possessed the Cap of invisibility, the Key of Hades and Cerberus the three-headed dog who guarded his domain of the Underworld.

Powers of the Greek Gods

Apollo riding his golden chariot

Powers of the Greek Gods - Picture of Apollo riding his golden chariot

The Powers of the Greek Gods
Many of the amazing powers of the gods were described in the stories, myths and legends in the mythology of Ancient Greece. The powers of the Greek gods enabled them to move mountains and create storms. Their intelligence, strength, extraordinary abilities and magical weapons enabled them to defeat terrifying creatures and monsters. The supernatural, potent and magical powers can be summarized as follows:

Gods on Mount Olympus

  • They were immortal
  • They had the powers to become invisible
  • They were not limited by space or time and were able to transport themselves across incredible distances with the speed of light
  • They were transformers and had the ability to transform themselves into objects or animals
  • They had the powers to control the elements, nature and wild beasts. Zeus could throw thunderbolts
  • They had the powers to endow weapons with special, magical properties
  • They had the powers to control supernatural and terrible monsters
  • They exercised great powers over humans and could transform mortals into animals, rocks or trees either for protection or revenge
    • They expected mortals to worship them in magnificent temples and provide them with gifts
    • Animals and humans were sacrificed in their honor
    • They interfered with the lives of humans and would punish them for perceived slights

Worshipping the gods

Worshipping the deities of Ancient Greece

Powers of the Greek Gods

  • What are the Powers of the Greek Gods?
  • Interesting information and Facts about Powers of the Greek Gods
  • Powers of the Greek Gods
  • Legends in Greek Mythology associated with Greek deities
  • Facts and information about the Ancient World for schools and kids
  • Powers of the Greek Gods and Goddesses

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